It Is True That the Tooth Fairy Will Pay a Visit to Your House When You Lose a Tooth
The tale of the tooth fairy quickly became popular all across the globe, but how and why did this happen? We were intrigued, so we did some research on the topic and discovered that the tradition originates from the Middle Ages in Northern Europe, at which time a number of superstitions were associated with the shedding of a baby tooth. There is a persistent idea among parents of modern children that this mythical figure may make the process of losing teeth a little less traumatic for their offspring.
As we become older, of course, we know that our parents were actually the “tooth fairy” who left a monetary reward for us everytime we lost a tooth. This is something that we learn as we get older. About the same time, we come to the realization that Santa is a myth. Yet, there was one man who experienced something that could only be described as miraculous: whenever one of his adult teeth was knocked out, a new one grew in its place.