Broke Celebrities Who Can’t Afford The Rich Life Anymore

By Christoph

In Hollywood, appearing wealthy is probably just as important as looking pretty. While many stars are flaunting their extravagant lifestyle, other celebrities live troubled lives and tend to spend their money as fast as they earn it. Here is a list of famous superstars who have made a lot of money, but they have lost it all and no longer enjoy the lifestyle they once had. We hope it shows that even fame and wealth don’t make you immune to living frugally. Let’s find out through the article below!

Rupert Grint

You would think that being cast as Ron Weasley in all eight Harry Potter films would save you from debt. However, while Danielle Radcliffe and Emma Watson continued to be given well-paid roles, things were different for Rupert Grint. He’s been more selective in the chosen parts, so it’s clear he’s making less money than his former co-stars. However, things worsened for Grint after it was revealed that he owed the IRS $1 million due to his inability to manage his finances well.


Rupert Grint