Lego Family

Lego is one of those timeless games that has remained popular for many years, perhaps even more so than Operation. The original Lego dates back almost a century, but it was in the late 1940s that the plastic characters we’re familiar with were first introduced in Denmark. In the early sixties, the game arrived in the United States and slowly spread across the country, captivating both children and adults alike.

What makes Lego so captivating is that it provides an outlet for one’s imagination, allowing them to create characters, places, and stories of their own. This family decided to embrace the spirit of Halloween by creating a family costume. After struggling to agree on a theme, they ultimately decided to dress up as a Lego family. Each member of the family could choose their own character, and even the family dog was included in the costume. It’s a creative approach that showcases the versatility of Lego and its ability to bring people together in a fun and engaging way.

