If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of watching Ratatouille, cancel your plans for tonight and give it a watch! The Pixar animated film follows the story of a visionary and adventurous rat with a passion for cooking, who dreams of becoming a chef. He finds an unlikely ally in a young garbage boy who knows nothing about cooking, and together, they help each other in ways that they could have never imagined.
This father and his baby brought the characters to life when they dressed up for Halloween as Remy, the brilliant rat, and Alfredo Linguini, the humble garbage boy. For anyone who has seen the film, it’s clear that the costume is spot-on, thanks in part to the father’s curly hair, which perfectly matches Linguini’s hair. It’s undoubtedly one of the sweetest and most heartwarming costumes on the list, showcasing the power of imagination and the ability to bring beloved characters to life through creative costumes. It’s a testament to the enduring popularity of Ratatouille and the impact that it has had on audiences of all ages.