Miss Frizzle
The Magic School Bus is a beloved children’s book franchise that was adapted into a popular TV series in the mid-nineties. The show’s main character, Ms. Frizzle, is a school teacher who takes her class on exciting and educational trips to extraordinary places. From exploring the depths of the ocean to traveling inside the human body, Ms. Frizzle and her class are always on a new adventure. The show became a favorite among children and adults alike, thanks to its combination of entertainment and education.
This woman’s costume is a tribute to the iconic Ms. Frizzle, and it’s clear that she put a lot of effort into it. From the bright, colorful dress to the wacky, frizzy hair, she has perfectly captured the spirit of the character. The costume is a fun and nostalgic throwback to the beloved TV show, reminding us of the joys of learning and exploring. It’s the perfect costume for any teacher or anyone who grew up with The Magic School Bus and wants to relive those childhood memories.