Solution For Smelly Disposal

The garbage disposal is the silent fresh air killer in the house. No matter how much you clean and scrub the toilet, or spray air freshener around your home if you fail to clean out the disposal, you’ll be looking for the source of the foul odor for days. The trick is to freeze any citrus peel, like lemon or orange peels, and toss them at your disposal once you start getting a whiff of a stink. The stiff consistency will knock off any clinging debris, and the scent will keep your disposal smelling fresh. 

Self-Cleaning Blender

We love our morning or post-workout smoothie drinks so much! Unfortunately, we don’t love them enough to keep going through the annoying task of scrubbing out the blender every morning. Fortunately, though, granny has a hack for it. Instead of scrubbing the thing yourself, just let it clean itself. Just pour in some hot water and some dishwashing liquid, then let it run for about 10 seconds, and the magic will happen. You won’t have anything left to scrub when pouring the blended water. Pretty neat, right?

Effortless Microwave Cleaner

Cleaning the microwave may need a lot of elbow grease to get it sparkling inside and out unless you do it the smart way. For this, all you need is a microwavable bowl, a peel of one lemon, half lemon juice, and half a cup of water. Mix all ingredients in the bowl and then microwave that on high for three minutes. Once you hear that ding, though, don’t take it out immediately and just let it chill there for another five minutes. The steam will help loosen up all the grease and gunk in your microwave, and all you’d need to do is wipe it all off friendly and quickly. 


Eliminate Onion and Garlic Smell From Your Hand

When we’re chopping onions, it doesn’t just leave us with tears. It also leaves us with this stink on our fingers that doesn’t go away. The same goes for garlic. Sadly, as much as we love letting people know we know how to cook, we don’t want stinky fingers all day. Luckily, granny has an old-school trick for that. First off, soak your hands in cold water. After a few minutes, use a generous amount of salt then rub them on your hands. Not only will this eliminate the smell, but it will also make your hands softer because of the exfoliation. 

Remove Carpet Stains With Salt

When that red wine spills on your gorgeous light-colored carpet, it can ruin a supposedly perfect evening of relaxation. Don’t panic immediately, though, because the solution is just in your kitchen pantry. According to this old-school hack, you only need salt and some blotting towels. First, remove as much moisture as possible from your carpet, then completely cover the stained area with salt. Let it sit for a few hours, and vacuum everything up nice and tidy when it’s scorched. 
