It’s just SUCH An Expensive City!

Interestingly, her #1 gripe about Paris applies to any big metropolitan center these days, including Tokyo, New York, or London. Sure, there are still places where she can get a coffee for 1 Euro 20 or a full meal for 4 Euros, but they’re becoming harder and harder to find. Blame it on gentrification or the economic crisis, but the truth of the matter is that this is an expensive city.

There’s nothing more aggravating than paying 4 euros for a measly espresso or 20 for a tiny (and mediocre) hamburger. Even if it’s tasty, there’s just something unsettling about it. Unfortunately, if she wants to take advantage of the city, she’ll have to suck it up, pull out her wallet once again, and break that 10 euro bill for her 2 Euro croissant.

