
For anyone who has to wake up before the sun, the struggle to rise in the morning is real. Hitting the snooze button has become a rite of passage for many, with alarms blaring multiple times before we muster the courage to leave our warm beds. It’s a daily battle against the comfort of sleep, as our bodies beg for just a few more minutes of rest. The thought of waking up early can be daunting, especially when our bodies crave the luxury of sleeping in.

Even those with the most efficient alarm systems find themselves rolling over for a few extra snoozes. It’s as if we all have a little bit of Snorlax inside us, the beloved Pokémon known for its love of sleep. So, here’s to those who struggle to rise and shine! The fight against sleep may be tough, but every now and then, we promise ourselves that today will be different. Just one more snooze, and then we’ll tackle the day ahead!

