
Throughout history, women have faced numerous challenges and discrimination from men. The Twitter thread that highlights the ridiculous statements men have made about women’s bodies confirms that things have not improved significantly today. However, we can find solace in the fact that some individuals are now more educated than they were a century ago. Nevertheless, we still have a long way to go to overcome gender stereotypes and biases.

In the past, when trains were first introduced in the United States, people believed it was unsafe for women to travel by train as it could cause their uteruses to fall out of their bodies. It’s difficult to believe, but this was a common belief at the time. Anthropologists suspect that this fear stemmed from society’s fear of change and new technologies. While such beliefs seem ridiculous and archaic today, it’s important to recognize the underlying societal biases and stereotypes that led to them. We need to continue to strive for progress and education to overcome such harmful beliefs and biases and promote gender equality.

