Security Pursued Him

However, Pradeep’s impulsive escape only escalated the situation further. The hospital security, angered by his defiance, pursued him with a heightened sense of urgency. Their footsteps echoed through the corridors as they sought to enforce hospital policies, intent on preventing any further disturbances. The commotion attracted the attention of staff and patients alike, creating a spectacle that made Pradeep’s heart race even faster.

In his frantic bid to be with Lilly, he inadvertently jeopardized his position, making it harder for him to provide the support she needed during her recovery. Each frantic dash through the hospital widened the emotional chasm between him and his wife. Despite the fear gripping him, Pradeep’s actions were rooted in love and concern, illustrating the instinctive bond between a husband and wife. Yet, with each step he took, he faced the daunting barriers of hospital protocol.

