Trying to See His Wife

Driven by his unwavering love, Pradeep continued to defy the hospital ban, tirelessly searching for Lilly. Finally, he discovered her peacefully asleep, an overwhelming wave of relief washing over him. He sat beside her, holding her hand tightly, feeling the connection that anchored him amidst the chaos. As he drifted off beside her, exhaustion momentarily gave way to tranquility.

However, the peace was short-lived; dawn brought a nurse who insisted he leave for sneaking in. After Pradeep explained his situation, she softened, understanding the depth of his love and need to be with his wife. She recognized the comfort his presence brought to Lilly during such a challenging time. Relenting, the nurse allowed him to stay, providing a moment of solace for both Pradeep and Lilly. This small victory reaffirmed their bond, reminding them that even in crisis, love remains a powerful source of strength.

