4. Twilight

This movie was very popular with early teens when it revolved around the plot with the theme of high school love. A handsome vampire boy who always tries to protect his human girlfriend from danger from his side. However, have you ever thought that the movie might have ended entirely differently if Bella had joined the prank in high school rather than let a weird guy in a coffee shop throw strange looks at her? And we’ll get away with this cheesy movie and its sequels.

5. Finding Nemo

Anyone who has had lots of contact with children knows that children tend to do the opposite of what they are told. And that can become dangerous for them. And the best example of that is the movie, Finding Nemo. All the fish dad needs to make sure his little one doesn’t swim to the point of release in the ocean. There is a reason why most parents never let their children roam. But at least we got Doryto’s help for the day!

