Thankfully, girls do not have ankles.

It’s a well-known fact that men will never experience certain types of pain, such as menstrual cramps or giving birth. While men might consider themselves lucky, it’s important to acknowledge that these types of pain are very real and can be debilitating. Unfortunately, some men seem to have a difficult time empathizing with women who experience these types of pain and often dismiss their complaints as exaggerations.

The fact that men can’t experience menstrual pain or childbirth doesn’t make these types of pain any less real or significant. Dismissing someone’s pain is never an acceptable response, and it’s important to validate the experiences of others. It’s frustrating to hear someone claim that rolling an ankle hurts more than menstrual cramps, for example. While both types of pain are undoubtedly uncomfortable, they are entirely different and cannot be compared. Women know what it feels like to experience menstrual pain, just as they know what it feels like to roll an ankle. It’s important to acknowledge and respect their experiences rather than dismiss them.

