Unconscious Bias
Human psychology plays a fascinating role in shaping our perception of events and experiences. The notion that our preexisting emotions and beliefs can influence our perception of reality is known as confirmation bias. For instance, if we are in a positive mindset, we are more likely to notice the good things around us, and conversely, if we are feeling negative, we are more prone to focus on the bad things. This bias can significantly impact how we interpret and react to situations.
The restaurant owner in this case suggests that Emma’s delayed food order led to her feeling dissatisfied with the entire meal. According to the owner, Emma was already in a negative mindset and was actively seeking reasons to dislike the food, regardless of their validity. It’s worth noting that this type of bias can influence not only our personal experiences but also how we perceive other people and their actions. Being aware of confirmation bias and actively working to counteract it can help us make more rational and fair judgments.