#1: A single card is capable of a great deal of work.

There are times when all that is required for success in life is a modicum of self-assurance. When you have more self-assurance, you will have a better chance of applying for that job and negotiating a reasonable salary for yourself. If they notice your abilities, not only are you more likely to put in an audition for the sports team or the part in the school play, but you also have a better chance of being selected for it. But how exactly does one go about acquiring such self-confidence in the first place?

There are a lot of different ways that you can better yourself, but it doesn’t hurt to get some encouragement from a friend every once in a while. The following is a heartwarming story about a man who gave his friend Valentine’s card. The confidence boost she received from receiving the card appears to have made a significant difference in the woman’s life.

