Wesley Snipes

Wesley Snipes is most recognized for his performance in the Blade film series. The first was a commercial and box office success, inspiring the production of two sequels. His mastery of martial arts permitted him to perform action scenes efficiently, and he appeared to have a natural comedy aptitude.

In 2006, the actor was accused of six counts of failing to file tax returns and failing to pay taxes from 1999 to 2004. He was found guilty on three prior counts and sentenced to three years in jail. His net worth is $10 million.

Janice Dickinson

Janice Dickinson, dubbed the “world’s first supermodel,” was a household name in her day but is likely to be met with blank glances today. She was a model, author, and talent agent, among other things. Her popularity peaked in the 1970s and 1980s.


However, she quickly began to experience severe financial difficulties. Janice allegedly became hooked on cosmetic operations, damaging her mental health and putting her in debt. She ended up owing the bank $1 million and was accused of having multiple outstanding invoices from her operations.
