College Degrees Mean Nothing

In today’s competitive academic world, college applicants are expected to be the brightest minds of the younger generation. However, it appears that some colleges are not doing enough to screen their applicants for basic knowledge and skills. A recent example of this is a student who was unsure if 12:02 PM was in the middle of the day or night, a fundamental concept that should have been mastered in primary school. The student’s lack of basic knowledge prompted him to email his professor for clarification, highlighting the importance of ensuring that students do not feel embarrassed to ask for help when needed. 

The professor, however, did not let the opportunity for a playful quip pass him by and responded with a link to Merriam Webster’s definition of 12 PM. Although this may seem like a trivial matter, it raises concerns about the effectiveness of our educational system and the level of knowledge expected from college applicants. Nevertheless, it is refreshing to see that the student was able to laugh at his mistake and learn from it. As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine, and it is important to embrace our shortcomings and learn from them. Hopefully, this serves as a reminder for colleges to prioritize screening applicants for fundamental knowledge and skills, and for students to continue to seek clarification when needed.

