Funniest Stories Where Guests Stole The Show At Weddings

Weddings are a joyous event, especially for the groom and bride. However, sometimes things just went a completely different way than we expected. One of the worst things is when the guests steal the spotlight from the happy couple. Today, we have some of the funniest stories where people steal the attention and max out the cringe. Ready for a wild ride? Scroll down!

“I want to go home.”

Judging by his sad expression and suitcase, it looks like the little boy is ready to go home. Did someone break his heart? Perhaps the bride?

Source: Reddit

While we cannot guess what he had in that case, he made a funny picture. His parents are probably looking for him at the party, though.

How to Control your kids

Besides the great help from the maid of honor and best man, another hero we need to thank after the wedding: the one who controls all the children. We have seen too many cases where the kids destroy the event. Some couples even ask for a no-kid wedding to prevent such a disaster.

Source: Del Sol Photography

However, if you still want to have a typical wedding with kids, make sure to find someone who can handle them. In this photo, the man was quick to grab the children minutes away from interrupting the ceremony. At least the couple had a good laugh.

“No Jumping”

This boy must have seen the bride’s dress and thought: “that will make a good landing place for a jump.” Did he mistake the dress for some fluffy pillows? He took the chance when she was walking down the aisle.

"That Looks Like A Fun Place To Jump"
Source: BoredPanda

Luckily, she was only yanked back a bit, and no harm was done. The bride must have been quite angry as this was her special moment.

“This isn’t My Party!”

While it was a happy day for the groom and bride, this little groomsman surely didn’t share the same sentiment. Imagine him stomping down the aisle. Everyone found it super hilarious.

"This isn't My Party!"
Source: Reddit

What do you think got him in such a bad mood? Maybe he didn’t want to be a groomsman? Or his tuxedo and shoes were too tight?

When T-Swift Is In The House

One of the downsides of having a famous guest is that they can instantly outshine you at your event. In this case, Taylor Swift completely stole the show when she attended her long-time best friend, Britany Maack’s wedding.

No One's Looking At The Bride When T-Swift Is In The House

The famous pop star was a great help, from joining the event’s planning to helping her friend get down the aisle.

“So Tired!!”

This adorable flower girl is at the end of her patience. If the couple couldn’t hurry up, she might get angrier!

"You've Got To Be Kidding Me"
Source: Imgur

The way the photographer captures her exhausted emotion among the happy crowd was enough to make us laugh out loud.

Coming Through

Unless you look at the background, this looks like a magical moment for the couple to say their vows. What happened to this little girl that she had to run so fast?

Nothing To See Here, Continue The Ceremony

Perhaps she wants to stretch her legs a bit, or she just needs to go to the washroom?

Epic Tattoo Fails That Have Us Laughing Out Loud

As most tattoos are permanent, many people will have to think it through before getting one. Moreover, the meaning behind each tattoo is also essential since it could represent a personal memory for us. As a result, you always want to find a reliable tattoo artist. However, these people below might not be as lucky in their search for the right guy. Here are some of the most epic tattoo fails that will give you a good laugh!

The Infamous Tattoo List

Using a quote or famous phrase as your tattoo is a common thing. Nonetheless, you must think long and hard before getting it. First, make sure you can pick the correct phrase. Besides, you need to consider the font and size of the tattoo. Finally, its location is also a crucial point. 

The Infamous Tattoo List

Most tattoo artists would offer to do some specific fonts if you didn’t know. When choosing the “Finally Famous” phrase, this guy must not think he would become infamous instead. 

A Proper Translator Is A Must

Non-English tattoo is also a familiar type that many people choose to have. For Naz Mila, she picked a phrase that means “Only God can judge my mistakes and truths.” However, the social media influence made the mistake of letting her tattoo artist do the translation. 

A Proper Translator Is A Must

Things took a terrible turn when he gave her a tattoo that read, “I can judge a single god with my wrongs and wrongs.”  

A Haunted Tattoo

Finding good tattoo artists couldn’t be that hard. When you want to have a portrait tattooed, you must look for a talented one. When this guy wanted to have a tattoo of his girlfriend, she should have said no.

His final tattoo came out a bit too ‘haunted’ for our liking, don’t you think so? 

A Vegan? 

How do you spot a vegan? Simple, they will announce that whenever you have a conversation. Nevertheless, this woman could be too lazy to mention it several times. 


As a result, she will let her tattoo do the talking. Having a face tattoo is a big sacrifice, so we have to applaud her commitment.

Tazte The Rainbow

We could have made a spelling mistake once in a while, but it’s a big NO to most tattoo artists. If you’re a big fan of Skittles, you will see what went wrong in this case. 

Tazte The Rainbow

Perhaps he’s not a big fan of the candy himself. On the other hand, it won’t be much visible in the long run. 

Guess The Old Hollywood Star

It’s not uncommon to have a tattoo related to their favorite idol. However, it might be a bit tricky to identify this famous star. Can you take a guess? 

Guess The Old Hollywood Star

If your answer is Marilyn Monroe, you must have a great imagination. Despite having a great original pic, the tattoo left a bit to be desired. The ling work and shading are just bad overall.  

Japanese Style Barbecue Grill

You must have heard about Ariana Grande’s epic tattoo fail once before. When her hit song ‘7 Rings’ came out, she wanted a tattoo to commemorate the success. The famous pop star ditched English for a Japanese character tattoo this time. 

Japanese Style Barbecue Grill

Something must have gone wrong during the translation, as she ended up with a tattoo that meant a type of Japanese-style barbecue grill.