When Wildlife Photography Gone Wrong

Let’s face it, not anyone of us can be professional nature photographers! Nevertheless, most of us have our phones on hand, and when we encounter wildlife moments, we cannot help but take photographs. However, most of these shots will end up pretty lousy. Yet, they can be amusing, too. These wildlife photos that are so bad it’s hilarious. 

Such A Mood!

With a global pandemic and recent events, this elephant seal feels the same way we all do. Some travelers were out on the beach trying to spot some elephant seals. While their attempts brought no success, they decided to head back home when one of them bumped into a hibernating seal, thinking it was a blubbery rock. Imagine the shock!

A Majestic Angle

The quality of this photo is amazing, but it is just a photo of an eagle doing the business itself. We could count it as luck when the animal pooped in front of the photographer and not on her. You take the little wins with wildlife photography because you’ll never know what the animals around you will do. 

Terry – The Terrified Egret

Meet Terry – an egret from Egypt. We don’t know what happened to Terry, but whatever it is, we trust that it’s frightening. Maybe Terry is looking down at 2022 and thinking, “What a disaster!” Ideally, if there were a photo to summarize this period in time, this would be it.

This Warning Sign Stands For A Good Reason

Whenever you see a warning sign about animals, wherever it is about the dangerous dog behind the gate or the instruction to not feed the ducks, it’s best to follow it. This sign about the geese is no exception. You have to keep walking. This photo proves that there’s no such thing as a silly goose. They’re very aggressive animals, and this one seems to have something against this man’s backpack. He’s right to keep walking, though, because who knows what could have happened next.

Catch Gone Missing

Sometimes when you play a game of catch, the ball gets thrown a little too far, and you have to look around to find it. Imagine seeing your ball stuck, not in a gutter, not on somebody’s roof, but the antlers of a blacktail deer. Two things. First, that’s a pretty sturdy ball to not pop in between the deer’s antlers. Second, don’t worry about the deer. They lose their antlers yearly and will naturally regrow, so this guy won’t have to carry the ball for too long.

This Squirrel Needs a Sweater

You don’t normally associate Canada with exotic animals, but this squirrel roaming around the Northern Bruce Peninsula looks strange. You’ve seen hairless cats, but have you ever seen hairless squirrels? Somebody get this little guy a sweater! However, our favorite part about this squirrel is that it’s utterly bald except for its tail, which is still wholly bushy.

Downtown Duck

This poor duck woke up thinking it was going to be her regular day at the pond, but the stream had other plans. We hope she hasn’t kept the position for too long! Moreover, we need to appreciate the person who took this photo for giving us laughter. But we hope they quickly put the phone away and helped this duck get back on the right side up.

The Dentist said: “Open Your Mouth.”

Here’s an inside look of a pelican’s mouth, from the tip of its beak to its tonsils. We guess this pelican was hungry when it saw the photographer’s lens. “Squawk!” it said. The way it looks from the shot, the pelican managed to get a portion of the camera lens in its visor somehow. Pretty impressive! We hope it found some other food after this attempt at chewing down an unconscious object.

The Funniest WTF Hollywood Stars Moments

Even though they are famous, most Hollywood stars are still human and have moments they don’t want the public to see. Everyone wants excellent photos, and stars are no exception. No one wants their unflattering images to be spread all over the internet. Today, let’s find out the funniest photos of your favorite Hollywood stars they want to bury forever.

1. Britney Spears and her bad hair day

We often see celebrities looking flawless in their everyday life. Most don’t appear in public with shabby clothes and a bad hairstyle. However, this photo of Britney Spears has made those who see her think differently.

Everyone has a bad hair day. And maybe even the top Hollywood star is still like us. While we feel bad for what she’s gone through in her role as conservator, we can’t help but rejoice that her hair isn’t perfect.

Most Bizarre Photos Of People Captured at Walmart

Even if you are not from the US, you will figure out quickly that the craze behind Walmart is not really about what they sell. It’s about the people that go there. The chain is famous for the colorful variety of personalities that shop there. Here are some of our favorite bizarre photos taken from one of the social media groups called “People of Walmart.” Scroll down for pure joy that will light up your day.

These Two Sweethearts Are The Cutest

Walmart is a great place. With all the aisles and people, it’s easy to get lost. That’s why it’s better to stick by your partner’s side when you go there. However, there are moments when separating is inevitable. So this couple came prepared. They knew that they would lose sight of each other at some point. And you know what? Their method is way cuter than a phone call or a message. 

The Bewitched Brooms Of Walmart

Not all people who wander into Walmart go there with a purpose. Sometimes, you have nothing to do, and browsing through the many aisles of this Walmart is just the ideal thing to occupy your time. Why settle for browsing when you can do something as extraordinary as this? We wonder where they try to create a magic and self-cleaning scene like in the movie. It’s honestly pretty neat.

This Guy Sure Knows How To Make Use Furniture

When we see chairs, beds, or couches on display in places like Walmart or Ikea, there’s just this urge to try them out and see what’s up. We have to know what it would be like before we buy it, right? This guy seems like he couldn’t resist the temptation. We hope it was perfect for his expectation.

Best Marketer Of All Time

This woman is legendary, her name is Charlene, and she is a Walmart employee who poses with the current sale items of the season. And we think she deserves a significant raise for such an incredible and most dedicated job. Perhaps it has been the best marketing tactic we’ve seen from any Walmart store. Charlene models the products perfectly and gives the advertising materials a particular character. Who wouldn’t want to pull up the sale with this kind of promoter?

When You Need Costume For Autumn

We love it when the season changes to fall, not just because of the drinks, decor, and food. We also love it because it gives us a chance or excuse to change our whole wardrobe and do some serious shopping, just like these two are doing. By the looks of it, they’re seriously discussing whether that brown furry jumpsuit would be great for the planned events if it’s worth its price. We got to say, good for them. At least they know what they want, right?

Make Yourself At Walmart

If you think about it, anyone can live in Walmart. For instance, if some zombie attack happens and you get locked in a Walmart, you could live pretty well there since they have everything. As it seems, he didn’t want to miss out on the latest release of his favorite game, and since he couldn’t enjoy it at home, he decided to take his house to Walmart. By the looks of it, he’s comfy and in his element.

Walmart Is Our Bare Witness

Walmart isn’t the usual setting of those feel-good romantic films or any of our favorite love stories. It’s just not the type of place that seems romantic, you know? But this couple seems to think differently and prove just that. Many would be thinking, “Really? Wedding renewals? At Walmart of all places?” Well, Walmart may not be the place, but hey, if the shop means something to them, why not?

How You Proudly Introduce Your Child

When introducing babies to the world, most couples might throw parties or intimate meet and greets with their loved ones. This father, though, chose to go to Walmart to introduce his baby to the world. We got to say. It’s very original, and it kind of shows what kind of father he will be for his child. And, we can already foresee that it will be an enjoyable childhood for this baby. We hope that kid enjoys it to the fullest.

Top 10 Hilarious Photos of Bollywood Celebrities

The beauty and joy of the world are due to such characters who make others laugh. Today, we collected a list of the top hilarious images of your favorite Bollywood celebrities. Mind-blowing and amusing, you won’t be able to stop your laughter after watching. Enjoy!

1. People were so focused on producing men’s thongs that they neglected to make them any shirts. But, hey, Anil Kapoor has you covered!

2. This image is, well, bangin’!

3. Indeed there are less obnoxious methods to test your video, Vindoo.

4. We’re not sure which is more outrageous: his position, his clothes, or the expression in his eyes.

5. This much tinfoil would have kept my meal warm all day.

6. Of course, nothing screams “born again” like a pregnant man playing with a ball tucked under his shirt.

7. Speaking of eating healthy, Madhuri was even WEARING healthy at the time.

8. Thank God for that well-placed hand.

9. Yet another indecent stance, with a nasty glare in the eye. Oh, how will we withstand their enticements!

10. Is that a jewel-encrusted marine monster on her hat?